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XP-PEN Graphic Drawing pads compatible with Android devices
Graphic Design Monitor XP-Pen Artist22E for Drawing directly with the tablet

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Wacom alternative brand XP-Pen Graphics Drawing Tablet monitor Up to $30 Off ‎ Christmas Coupons, Promo Codes & Deals December 2018

Graphic Design Monitor XP-Pen Artist22E for Drawing directly with the tablet
Whether you are an artist, graphic designer, or architect, a drawing tablet is an essential tool in this digital age. Allowing you to quickly transfer digital drawings into articulated masterpieces, they are a must for any creative professional and can allow hobbyists to take their digital art to the next level.

Figuring out the best tablets for drawing isn't always easy, so we've taken some of the guesswork out of the equation. What you'll end up with depends both on your needs, and your budget, but the good news is that with such a wide variety of graphics tablets on the market, there's something for everyone.

Before moving on to our list, it's important to understand types of tablets available. A graphics tablet hooks into your computer, allowing you to draw on it with a stylus and see the results on your monitor. If you prefer the look and feel of drawing directly on the screen, then you'll want to consider a tablet monitor. There's an added expense, but some people find drawing on the screen more intuitive. Here, you'll want to pay close attention to screen quality in order to get accurate color results.

If you are looking for something that can double as a personal entertainment device (letting you read emails or watch movies when you aren't getting creative), a tablet computer is your best bet. From Apple to Microsoft and beyond, more and more companies are balancing the perks of a regular tablet with the high-quality screen resolution and drawing applications of a graphic tablet. Scroll down to explore the options!

Best Graphic Monitor for Professionals Beginners Artists Animation

This Artist 22E tablet comes with a stand built into the back that you can unfold to varying degrees. It uses strong rubber legs spread horizontally so it covers a wider base. This limits shaking or any mobility while in use.

The screen itself is brilliant with LED lights and a strong 1920×1080 resolution. This can both mirror your PC or it can work as a secondary monitor.

When you make a mark on the screen it loads fast. The response time is incredible for this model and it’s much better than other XP-Pen devices.

You can draw from any angle and still keep a strong view of the screen. There’s no major glare but there is a thin coating that makes the surface super smooth. Opinions vary on screen textures but I think this smooth screen works great.

XP-Pen ships this unit with an optional screen protector which can add some texture if you need it. You’ll also get a free artist glove along with two stylus pens that both include a toggle button to switch between pen & eraser mode.

Both pens do use batteries and they’ll need to be charged every so often. But XP-Pen is nice enough to include 2 so if a pen dies you can always swap to the other while charging the first.

This tablet does not have any hotkeys or express keys on the display. You do have a button on the stylus but it’s not for running actions in your painting software. The only buttons on the display are towards the bottom for adjusting brightness, resolution, and other display settings.

But for the price and for all the extras this is a sweet deal. It’s plenty large enough for concept art and it’ll last a long time even with daily use.

Bottom Line: Grab the Artist 22E if you like the design and can live without any express keys. This tablet is huge and it’s a little smaller/lighter than the UG-2150. They’re both very comparable models so if you have a brand preference then go with this one.

My Review experience about the Graphics Drawing Tablet XP-Pen Artist 22E
I waited a long time after receiving my Artist 22E before writing this review, because after using, and loving, my Artist 10S, I wanted to really put the 22E through its paces.
I knew that it was going to be useful, if only for the workflow of sitting at a desk, retouching and drawing with a pen directly on a screen at a high resolution and large size.
Although the screen is only 1920 x 1080, which is beginning to be on the low end of monitor resolution for editing, I can't imagine needing any more when working in a tactile way. Potentially, a professional photographer might want to use a 4K monitor in addition, to check and view photos, but the actual process of working on images is well suited to the HD resolution and doesn't leave me wanting any more.
I will go into it further, but I will say one thing: the Artist 22E has revolutionalised my workflow. I have ceased to use my laptop for anything but a keyboard when working on photo or video editing, and I regularly use it for regular tasks as well. When I don't want to use the pen, I use it as my main monitor and my previous 22" monitor has been sitting on the floor since the 22E arrived.
I don't want to repeat myself too much, so if you want to see a little more of the workflow with both the Artist 10S and the Artist 22E , go check out my review of the Artist 10S.
Now, the reasons for wanting a graphics pen are very obvious, but a pen display is another beast. A pen display is amazing for retouching photos, because you see the changes you are making, underneath the pen you are using. It makes retouching so much more intuitive. Things that I would ordinarily be changing and altering and erasing can be done in a few quick strokes because I get it right the first time.
The same can be said for drawing. Seeing the image appear underneath the pen, as it would on paper, speeds up your workflow and gives a natural feel to the work.
Getting away from pressure sensitivity, one of the main sales points of any graphics tablet, using a pen to do simple mouse work is also much quicker. Working in Adobe Lightroom, which is full of sliders and toggles, is much faster because I don't have to drag the cursor across the screen. The buttons on the side of the Artist 22E (being right handed, I only use the ones of the left side, but it's a nice addition that they are repeated on both sides for those who are left handed or ambidextrous) helps with the process too.
Mostly, my button configuration is as follows - Increase Brush Size, Decrease Brush Size, Zoom in, Zoom out. Those four buttons save so much time when airbrushing.

Oh, and speaking of VESA mounts, the XP-Pen Artist 22E comes with a stand but there was just no way I could have used it. I don’t want to constantly have to put something this large away. And I have no desk space to leave it permanently on the desk. More room would be great but I’m having to work with the space I have right now. So, I have nothing to say about the stand that comes with it. It seemed well built and sturdy enough, but the first thing I did was remove it! I’m using an AmazonBasics ergonomic arm mount that has two benefits for me. One I can swing the whole thing away from my desk when I’m not using it. Otherwise, it would block my keyboard. And when I am using it, I can basically have the display closer to me and move it around as I work. This keeps me from getting a stiff neck or from having to squint at the monitor. Remember those aging eyes that set me down this path in the first place!

By the way, I have two other arm mounts at my desk – one for my main screen and one for a laptop stand. After using this AmazonBasics one, I’d love to have the spare change to replace the rest. It just moves around and adjusts so much easier! I don’t move the others as much but maybe I would if they moved this easy!

What’s Good:
Good color definition on the monitor and good viewing angles
Very large drawing area, a pleasure to draw on
Pen works really well, good range of pressure though it does blow out a little on the medium to high end a little bit

A nice alternative for those not ready to invest in a Cintiq, as they have a lot of similar features. Includes a rechargeable pen with 2,048 levels of pressure and 8 express buttons, but is not capable of multitouch (meaning you can't draw with your fingers).

XP-Pen is also the safest brand for non-techies who don’t want to risk dealing with a messy setup process. Most other tablets work fine as long as you have the newest version of Windows or OS X. But there have even been tablets that had issues with Windows 10 in the past.When you go with XP-Pen you know your money is going to a trustworthy brand.


Software and Driver installation was really smooth ,All of the outputs you could want. And all cables included ,Screen size, Resolution, and Color reproduction quality ,Priced at $550 USD currently on (cliquez ici pour suivre le lien) .With the pros definitely outweighing the minor cons of this product, I can't help but have to recommend this to anyone considering this unit. well exactly like it, this product has an outstanding value that can't be beat. Stop thinking about, just buy this now.

Message déposé le 12.05.2018 à 04:19 - Commentaires (0)

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